

This page details my second annual visit to the pumpkin patch on 10/16/05. We visited this patch last year after Auntie Nancy suggested this place to Daddy.  In the end I helped pick out my pumpkin after wandering all over the pumpkin patch.

We decided to come back to the pumpkin patch again this year.  They had so many nice pumpkins to choose from and there were lots of places for me to walk.  I liked that! :-)  This is Mommy and me posed in front of the big sign at the entrance of the pumpkin patch.

There were about a million pumpkins in the patch but I just had to squat down and take a close look at the first one I saw.  It happened to be about 1/2 my size. 

Then I saw these weird white pumpkins.  Mommy says that they look like Dracula got to them first.  I don't know who this Dracula is but it sounds like someone I don't want to meet!

Then I spent some time wandering... and wandering...and wandering. There was just SOOOOOOOOO much to see and so many pumpkins to tip over and roll.  I just had no idea which way to start.

Then I got distracted by the train for a while.  Everytime the train went around there was this volcano thing that would shoot steam up into the air.  Mommy and Daddy kept trying to get me interested in picking out a pumpkin but everytime that thing went off, I was right back where I started.  Finally, Mommy asked Daddy to pick me up and get me over back to where the pumpkins were. She knew that if I wasn't dragged away that I'd never leave.

To distract me from the train and the volcano thing, Mommy and Daddy sat me down to pose for some pictures.  Here they are...

They sat me down on a couple stacks of hay. One of the pictures they took was on the same tractor hay setup they had last year when I couldn't sit up by myself.  This year I can sit up by myself, walk around and get into trouble!


After the posed pictures, Daddy placed me at a different starting point, I got interested in something else.  A tunnel!

I was too afraid to get into the tunnel by myself but there were a bunch of kids who weren't (and they were bigger than me) so they didn't have a problem going through the tunnel by themselves or with the other kids.

Standing in the entrance of the tunnel was as far as I got.


Since I wasn't interested in going through the tunnel, was sitting outside instead.  I had these two giant pumpkins all to myself.

Then this girl comes up to me.  She was wearing pink and had a bib and a bow in her hair. We talked shop about picking out a pumpkin and how our parents kept following us around the patch.  It was pretty good to find someone else there who was my size.  She's a bit younger than me, about 12 months old, I think.

No I didn't get her number.  I don't think she knows what that is. 


We finally picked out my pumpkin. It was a perfectly nice pumpkin with that pumpkin color.  Daddy carried to the counter where we paid for that and some little pumpkin knives to make it easier to carve.  I tried carrying it for Daddy but it was just too heavy for me.  I offered to roll it all the way up to the counter but Mommy and Daddy decided that they didn't need me to do that.  Maybe next year I can do that.

The story continues...onto the carving!

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