

Daddy is so strong!  He cut off the top of my pumpkin and scooped out all the "guts".  (That's what Mommy called all of the icky stuff Daddy pulled out of the pumpkin.  Mommy says she really doesn't like pumpkins. She doesn't like the way they smell when you cut them, the slimy feeling you get when you touch the insides or the amount of work it takes to carve the design. So Daddy asked her "then why did we get a pumpkin?"  She said that it's because it's tradition to get one and she wanted me to have one!  Go figure.


So while Daddy was breaking out a sweat, I was sitting comfortably in one of my favorite spots: the entry way...playing with all of the shoes...as usual.  Where else would I be?


This is Daddy scooping out the yucky insides.  Mommy only got close enough to take the picture...


I, on the other hand, really got into it!  It was slimy, smelled weird and was kind of heavy.  But I still liked sticking my hands into and onto the pumpkin.


We finished marking up the design.  Unfortunately, we forgot to take pictures after we finished carving up the pumpkin.  Also unfortunately, the pumpkin suffered an accident before Halloween.  It got some black dots all over it and some fuzz.  Daddy tried to fix it but when he tried, the pumpkin just caved in.  No more pumpkin.

This is as close as we got to a finished pumpkin picture.  Can you see the face? It's the Pumpkin King from Tim Burton's A Nightmare Before Christmas.



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