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August 2006

Wow, we're already through July and part of August.  Isn't that amazing!  I was born in June which means that July went really fast.  The heat has been pretty bad for us. The 100 degrees plus humidity makes it uncomfortable for me.  I keep getting these little red bumps all over my body, especially inside of my elbows and my knees.  Mommy and Daddy keep turning on this thing that blows cold air everywhere just so Kuya Liam and I don't sweat all the time.

I don't feel all that uncomfortable unless you count the time that Mommy had to give me a bath because I was sweating all over my body.  This is pretty unusual for me since I don't feel too hot, usually.  I'm starting to get used to my baths.  Mommy gives me at least a rinse down in warm water once a day.  That's usually too much for most babies but because of my skin condition, it helps my skin stay smoother and less dry and definitely less red and bumpy.  I'll usually start crying once Mommy gets to my head but after we're done and she wraps me up in the towel and dresses me up, I like to take a nap for a couple of hours.  Then it's all worth it...ahhh

In the beginning of August I got pretty congested.  I got a cold from somewhere so my nose is all stuffed up and I've been coughing. Mommy took me to the doctor but he said that nothing looks too bad, no infections or anything.  He said that since I'd been eating pretty well and sleeping okay that it's just a little cold that I should get over in a few days.  Of course, that visit was the second in 2 weeks because I'd just visited the doctor for my one month check up.  At that check up they weighed me, checked me out and gave me a shot.  I didn't like that part. Neither did Mommy.  She had Daddy hold my hands so I didn't jump and make the needle hurt more.  I cried and cried.  When Mommy picked me up I knew she was sort of crying, too.  I know she doesn't like it when Kuya Liam and I get shots because they hurt us a lot.  At least it only lasts a second or so...  When the nurse measured me they were all surprised to find that that I'd grown another inch since my 2 week appointment and gained 12 ounces.  They all said that I'm going to outgrow my brother!  We'll see.  The race is on! 

On August 15 I visited the doctor again for my 2 month visit.  They said that I was still growing really well.  I now weight 13 lbs 5 oz.  Daddy and Mommy like to guess and see who gets the closest.  Daddy guessed perfectly!  YAY, Daddy!  I'm so big now that my little soft carrier that Mommy uses to carry me is getting a little on the small side.  She might have to go and buy something a bit bigger for me to use.  Also, I'm getting longer.  The nurse measured me and said that I'm now 23.5 inches long.  According to Mommy and Daddy that means I'm almost 2 feet tall!  The only part I didn't like was when the nurse brought these sharp things that she stuck into my legs.  I cried and cried and cried.  Mommy cried a little, too.  She told Daddy to hold me hands because she can't stand watching.  I didn't really understand what was going on at first.  I just stared at Daddy smiling at me and talking to me.  But then I got the idea when she stuck 4 needles into my legs.  Boy did that hurt!  I mean, I know that my legs are pretty fat but that doesn't mean that I didn't feel that....  I did not like that.  I don't want to feel that again!

The weather in July was so crazy hot.  It was so hot we did not go to the pool or the park.  It was just too hot to do anything and Kuya Liam and I look like two wilted flowers instead of happy and heathly kids.  We spent pretty much all of our time indoors with the thing that blows cold air that Mommy calls the air conditioner..  Kuya Liam ran around the kids park at the mall and I got to enjoy Mommy's lap all in air conditioned comfort.  Towards the end of July and in the beginning of August the weather calmed down.  We still haven't gone to the park but that's because we were preparing for our trip for Auntie Jen's wedding.   Now that that's over I think Mommy and Daddy and Kuya Liam are looking foward to spending some time in the nice sun while the weather lasts.  Daddy said that it's supposed to get hot again at the end of this week.  Yuck.

Since we'd been stuck inside, I've been practicing things.  I've been practicing holding up my head.

I've been learning to follow my animal mobile which goes around and around over my crib.   So far my favorite is the elephant.

AND I've been learning how to really smile, coo and sort of giggle.  Sometimes I smile big enough to show off my dimple.   On even more rare occasions, I'll smile big enough to show off both of my dimples.  Mommy and Daddy, Grandma Aurora and Grandpa Tom REALLY like that!


In all we've had a good July and August (so far) .  At least I have something to do even when we're stuck inside all day long.  Sometimes I spend my afternoons sleeping or I spend my time trying to learn how to flinch in case Kuya Liam tries to throw something on me.  Most of the time I get to chat with Mommy or Grandma Aurora and Grandpa Tom.  That's fun.  They like to talk to me now since I talk back to them. 

I guess that's it for now.  Enjoy the pictures that we continue to post here.  Take care!  Previous postings on this page can be found on my page called Quinn's Commentaries.

Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8 - 2 Months!
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4 - One Month!