26 July 2006
Family picture time! We've been taking lots
of pictures lately. Mommy's busted out the camera so that
our 'little' days won't be lost... Enjoy

16 July 2006-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi everyone!
I'm officially a month old now but Mommy prefers
to say that I'm just 4 weeks old because it makes her think that
I'm not growing so fast. She said she did that with Kuya Liam
also but now he's almost 2. My life has been interesting so
far. What can I say? I've only been around for 30 days.
I'm still a little baby but I'm learning to hold my head up better. I've
also grown a little bit. At my two week visit the doctor said
I gained almost a pound and grew an inch. They said that I'm
a good grower. My next doctor's appointment is this week so
we'll see how much I've grown since my two week checkup. This
past week I visited my skin doctor. I inherited a skin condition
which makes my skin really dry and flaky and later might make it
itchy. The doctor says that so far my skin looks pretty good.
I don't think I'm itchy just yet so let's hope it stays that way.
My Uncle Chris had it for a long time when he was a little boy but
it's disappeared now that he's a big guy.
Other than that, lately I've gotten very interested
in something that Mommy calls an elephant. You see, there
is this thing above my little bed that goes around and around and
plays music. Mommy and Daddy call it a 'mobile'. On
it are a few things to look at. They say that it has a thing
called a zebra, a giraffe and an elephant. Something about
that elephant catches my eye. Mommy says that the giraffe
is Kuya Liam's favorite so I guess so far mine is the elephant.
It's been getting kind of hot in the Bay Area.
Mommy still wraps me up so I don't scare myself all the time but
we've been running the cold air thing more often as it gets hotter.
Kuya Liam seems to sweat more, too, especially in the car.
So when we're home we stay in the cooler rooms instead of running
around outside in the hot air. Mommy has mentioned that we
might take Kuya Liam swimming to stay cool and have some fun.
This sounds interesting but I'm not really sure what that is just
yet. I have a feeling that I might not be able to join them
in this swimming.
Let's see, it's now the middle of July which means
that Grandma Aurora's birthday is this week and Mommy's is next
week! Wow, more birthdays! We're also getting closer
to Auntie Jen's wedding. That's going to be fun!
10 July 2006--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I've already learned how to smile. Did you
know that a little baby like myself can do that? It was kind
of a surprise for Mommy. She sat me on my Boppy pillow...well
I was laying down, really. Then she started playing with my
arms and I just popped my mouth open into a smile. Here, take
a look!
July Newsletter:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
July 2006
Happy 4th of July, everyone!! It's my first
holiday and it's a long weekend, which I understand everyone really
likes. I wonder what we'll do this weekend. I think
Mommy wants to do something fun but since I'm so little, it's kind
of hard to do much. We can't really go to the beach like Mommy
says she likes to do and we can't go camping since that's waaaay
too hard to do with someone little like me. So far we have
gone to the park so Kuya Liam could run around and climb on the
slides and swings. He did, too, because he went from the little
kids side to the big kids side three times and Mommy got tired of
walked back and forth in the hot sun while carrying me. After
a while, I think even he got tired because he wanted water and we
went back to the car and left.
Oh, and I wanted to share with you guys that I've
just reached my two week old mark. The doctor said that I've
gained almost a pound and have grown an inch in just 2 weeks!
I'm growing so fast but you can't really tell yet. My feet
are still so small that my socks still fall off and I don't fit
most of my clothes just yet. I'm still getting used to this
world. My tummy gets hungry quite often. I usually want
to eat about every 2 hours or so except for at night when I sleep
for long periods of time, for now. What I really like is when
Mommy carries me around in my little carrier. It's like being
cuddled while she walks. When she isn't carrying me around
I get to spend some time playing on a playmat:

Other times I like to lay in my crib
and stare up at the animals on my mobile while lots of music plays.

Things are still pretty new to me. I spend
most of my time sleeping and a little bit of time staring at the
light, my brother's face and Mommy and Daddy. I don't really
have much to say just yet because I'm so new. I might have
more to say after this weekend. We'll see. While Mommy
is on leave, I think she might be updating our sites more often,
especially with pictures. Mommy and Daddy are really into
taking pictures of us. I think I get a big flash in my face
So, until I get more to say, just enjoy the pictures
that we post up here.
4 July 2006---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I was perked up for a little bit and Daddy snapped
this picture with Mommy. Since she's usually the one taking
the pictures most of the pictures don't have her in them.

27June 2006------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My belly button finally fell off. It was hanging
on by a thread but when Mommy changed my diaper earlier today, I
kicked my feet which pushed up my diaper and it popped off.
It was good timing because my diaper had leaked and Mommy had to
wash me off so that I would be clean again. Instead of that,
she gave me my first bath.

It didn't start off too well because
I just cried and cried. But when Mommy put the warm water
over me, I felt much better. When it was all over, I was MUCH
happier! As you can see, my hair is much curlier after being
wet, just like my brother's hair. But it uncurls pretty fast.
I guess it relaxes very easily... hehe
Mommy pulled out this little train
engineer looking overall outfit, Daddy remembered that Kuya Liam
had a similar outfit. He pulled it out of the drawer and Kuya Liam
and I were dressed up ready to go out...

23 June 2006------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Happy Birthday, Auntie Rio! Actually her birthday
was on June 20th but we had a birthday party for her at a little
Filipino place called "Inang Rosing's BBQ restaurant"
in milpitas. Mommy said they have the BEST halo halo Filipino
dessert. Mommy said that this is a dessert put on crushed
ice with lots of goodies on top including a small scoop of ice cream.
I spent most of the night sleeping but I did sort of wake up for
a quick picture with the birthday girl and her mom!

16 June 2006------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here I am world! Born Quinn Isamu Konani Convey
I made my grand entrance on Friday, 16 June 2006 at 2:04pm.
I am here to stay and explore. You can see pictures from my
birthday here. Other
pictures that Mommy and Daddy have taken are below. My picture
book will get big quickly, I'm sure you know this since you have
all seen what they've already done with Kuya Liam's pages...
Here I am in the little
crib I used while in the hospital. The little card near
my head displayed my name, Mommy's name, my birthday and the
doctors who took care of me and Mommy. I usually cried
when they put me in here because I preferred to be held, especially
by Mommy. |
Here I am after my
sponge bath. Mommy washed me off and made me all cuddly.
My hair tends to curl just like Kuya Liam's hair. According
to Mommy, his hair stopped curling a lot and is just really
wavy now. We'll just have to wait and see what mine will
do... |
16 June 2006 - Quinn's Welcome note and Mommy's
Hello world! I've made my grand entrance!
My name is Quinn Isamu Konani Convey. I am Kuya Liam's little
brother. I know that Mommy and Daddy had a poll on my website
before I was born. As it turns out, after about 20 total votes
on poll, only 5 were correct in thinking I was a boy! I'm
okay with that. We all figured that since Kuya Liam was born
before me that you all hoped that he'd have a sister to play with.
Now he has a brother to terrorize!
Since I don't really know much about what's been
happening, I'm going to have Mommy tell you all the story of how
I was born since she knows better than I do. For now, I'll
just pose for all the pictures.
<from Mommy's perspective - the short version>
I have a short and a long version of this story. The version
you see here is the short version to keep you from falling asleep.
The longer version can be found in Quinn's
Commentaries section as soon as I finish writing it.
I woke up on Friday morning with a sensation I'd
never felt before. My water had broken. It was only
5am. I woke Michael up and let him know. After several
phone calls, including one to my parents, we started our long day.
We showed up at the hospital at about 6:30am and let them know that
my water had broken but that I wasn't having any contractions just
yet. The labor and delivery room they put me into is one of
many but it's large windows, wooden flooring and many seats make
for a comfortable setting. Liam liked the TV airing Sesame
My Mom and brother showed up with breakfast for
Michael about 1/2 an hour after we arrived at the hospital.
Meanwhile, the nurse set me up, asked a whole bunch of questions
and set me up with a small hill of paperwork and release forms to
be signed. When 8:30am came and went without much going on,
the nurse decided it was time to take a bit more action. She
put me on a Pitocin drip to 'help' the course of my labor since
it really wasn't going anywhere. Her technique was much better
than the last nurse who did this. She was sensitive to my
pain levels and noticed right away that I didn't need much for my
body to react. After a few hours of steadily increasing contractions
which still seemed manageable to me I finally got to a point where
I figured I'd need some pain relief. I asked for the all important
epidural. The anesthesiologist came by and I'd related to
him my previous bad experience with an epidural. This guy
was much better, though. He got it on the first shot and the pain
relief was nearly immediate. From then on out I almost didn't
feel any pain. I could kind of feel tingles down my left leg as
my contractions got to their strongest point and I was near delivery.
However that almost didn't go as smoothly as it
could have. After very careful close monitoring, the nurse,
noticed that Quinn's heart rate dropped with every increasing contraction.
It was getting scary and she had me move in several positions. She
called my doctor with her concerns. She calmly but firmly
told me that Quinn was not handling the contractions well probably
due to a cord wrapped around a shoulder or his neck or his hand
or something. His heart rate was dropping everytime there
was a contraction. She said that depending on the doctor's
analysis, I may have to deliver by cesarean to make sure that his
heart rate didn't plummet. I told her okay and to do what we
needed to do. This REALLY scared me. I looked at Michael
and he looked at me. We both looked away and started to pray.
I prayed that the baby was okay and Michael prayed that the baby
was okay and that I'd be okay. I nearly started to cry.
However, I just put this image into my mind of the Virgin Mother
and asked for her intercession. Then I called to Jesus to protect
my baby and me. Then I felt better. Then the doctor
walked in.
She checked things out and decided that things still
looked good enough for me to try and just deliver Quinn without
C-section. I liked that option much better, but only if it
wouldn't hurt Quinn.
After about 2 pushes or so Quinn was born and I
felt relief from the pressure and the worry that things were not
going to be okay. It was 2:04pm on Friday, June 16, 2006 and
Quinn was finally here! He was screaming and breathing and perfectly
okay. He had squirmed so much during the labor that he'd wrapped
the cord loosely around his neck and gotten himself into trouble.
Then the process of being born got him out of that trouble.
Thanks to my doctor for quickly assessing that Quinn
could be born naturally without incident. She was so calm
that I felt calm and confident that Quinn would be okay. Thanks
to my labor nurse, Stacy, for being so awesome, diligent, intelligent
and quick thinking to protect my health and the baby's health.
Thanks to all the other nurses who came in when the doctor said
it was 'showtime'. Let me just say than when she did say it
was time to deliver, there were suddenly about 5 or 6 more people
in the room all designated to do something. They were seamless,
professional and amazing. I don't even know all their names,
but they were great! Finally, thanks be to God. Thanks
be to Mary. His power is great. Her intercessions are powerful.
Their presence is comforting, guiding and protecting. AMEN!
14 June 2006
But there are a few updates. We had a nice
little baby shower at Mommy's work just before she went on maternity
leave. Most of the people that Mommy works with thinks (or
hopes) that I'm a girl. Some, including Grandpa Tom, think
I'm a boy. I guess only time will tell everyone... If I'm
a boy, I will be named Quinn and if I'm a girl, I will be named
Rebekah. Middle names are still being worked out...
Mommy's doctor was thinking I'd be born by now but
I'm still in here. Mommy is praying that I'm born soon because
she's tired of just waiting. You see, Kuya Liam was born 2
1/2 weeks early so there wasn't any waiting for them to do.
I, on the other hand, am making everyone wait. I
wonder if that means that I'll always be late or just on time and
Kuya Liam will always be early???
Anyway, Daddy will you guys know when I'm born.
I think it will be soon. I'm getting very cramped up in here...
I think that's it for now. Soon you all very
~Baby Convey II
Hello world!
Let me introduct myself. I'm Kuya Liam's younger...um...brother
or sister. (In Tagalog, "Kuya" <koo-yah>
is a honorary title used for an older male sibling.) For now we
don't know if I'm a boy or girl and since it's kind of dark in here,
I don't either, not that I would be able to figure it out or anything.
For now, let's just say that I'm Baby Convey II or BCII for short.
Mommy and Daddy called Kuya Liam "Baby" until he
was born and the found out he was a boy.

We are just starting off my little corner of the
woods. It's been something we've been thinking of doing for
a little while now. My brother has his corner so Mommy and
Daddy thought it was only fair that I get my little corner.
Of course, Kuya Liam has been around longer so he has more stuff
on his website. As it gets closer to my birthday, you'll see
more and more stuff for me and about me. For now, it's just
going to be a bit basic.
Like my brother's site, this one is going to be
all about Pooh. It's the easiest thing to do when you don't
know which way to go. This site may appear kind of pink on
your screen but it's supposed to be more of a beige/peach color.
Mommy thinks I'm going to be born a girl so she decided to pick
slightly more girly colors, but it's all still Pooh.
The first order of business it tell you when I'm
supposed to be born. The doctors all tell Mommy that
I'm going to be born on June 17. Kuya Liam was supposed to
be born on August 16, the day before Mommy and Daddy's anniversary,
but he decided he was tired of being cramped up. He was born
on August 2. So, we'll see how things go. I'm still
kind of small so it's still roomy in here, but I might decide to
do the same thing that Kuya Liam did. Mommy has always said
to Daddy that she likes the summer so I think we'll all be born
in the summer time. It makes for great parties!
Next order of business is my name. If I end
up being a girl, Mommy and Daddy already decided to call me Rebekah.
If I'm a boy, my name is still up in the air. They had the
same problem with Kuya Liam, too.
That's all I really have for now. I've only
been around for about 25 weeks so there's still lots to learn.
I haven't even really seen light or hear the world yet. I
hear music all the time and I think I like that.
This page is destined for great things. Stay
tuned for updates and information!