August 2006
August is upon us. It's been a VERY
hot July. It's been so hot that we don't have any park pictures
to post. It's been too hot to go outside. Mommy didn't
even want to go to the pool because the air we were breathing
was too hot, too! We've been spending hours and hours inside
our air conditioned family room and then going to the mall to
get out. I get to play at the kids park at the malls, too,
but it's not the same as running around sliding on the playground
equipment. BUT at least I get to play...
BUT for the more important news, can you believe
I'm 2??! I turned the big 0-2 on August 2. It's so
amazing that I've celebrated another birthday already. This
year has gone by so very quickly. In the last year I've
learned to walk, talk, grew more teeth, learned run, jump on my
bed, learned to jump with both feet, say my first color (which
was "yellow") and learned three more, I got a new brother
and a big boy bed, I graduated to eating at the dinner table instead
of sitting in my high chair, I've learned to play the drums, but
it's still a work in progress, I've gone to Disneyland and Hawaii
and that was all in one year! Geez, can you imagine what
this coming year will be like? I'll learn to use the toilet,
finger paint, play with playdough, torture my brother, pick a
pumpkin from the pumpkin patch and wheel it around in my wagon,
I might get to learn to ride a tricycle, exercise with my Elmocise
video, celebrate Christmas in my own house for once instead of
visiting another place, I'll get to see my Auntie Jen get married,
see my brother get baptized, visit the beach again and who knows
what else!
As for things between me and my brother, I'm still
getting used to him. I want to play with him, but he still
doesn't do very much. Quinn just kind of sits there and
stares off. I'm not sure if he can see me yet or
anything because he doesn't really look AT me. So what I
do is get up REALLY close and make sure he can see me.

I think sometimes I'm too close because he shakes
his head from side to side like he's trying to get away from me.
I figure it's better that he sees me than guesses at what he's
seeing... right? But like I said, he doesn't do much.
Mommy and Daddy stare at him all the time and sometimes I have
to wait for the things I want right now. Sometimes I wait
so long because he keeps crying that I fall asleep...

He cries and then Mommy has to feed him. He
cries and Daddy has to carry him. He coos and they smile
at him. But I want to help out, too! So when he cries
and they can't get to him at that second, I run up to him and
give him his pacifier. It's hard to do that sometimes because
he doesn't take it right away. But I try. Or if that
doesn't work, I'll turn on the music and motion on his little
chair that you see in the picture above. He really likes that.
I remember that I used to like that. You know, when Quinn
isn't sitting in the chair, I like to sneak in and sit in it myself.
I still fit!
But I know I shouldn't sit in a baby chair anymore.
I'm a big boy now. I even had a party to celebrate it!
I hope to be able to get Mommy to work on building my party
page very soon to see the pictures and read all about it.
It's going to take a few days to get all of the pictures in order
with commentary. So for now, just enjoy this little slide
show... (mouse over the pictures to see our little captions.)

Let me say here that It was a fun day. I think
the best part of it was that I didn't have to share any attention
with Quinn. It was all for me and that was nice. I
did have to share with Mommy since it was her birthday, also.
I didn't mind that since it's Mommy and she put the party together
for me and worked really hard to make sure I had a great day.
August has been a busy month for us so far.
I celebrated my second birthday, as I already shared and had my
2 year check up. I now weigh 24 lbs and am 35" tall.
I got to stand on the big boy scale and they measured me.
Actually I had just woken up from a nap so I didn't want
to stand on the scale. But the nurse was so smart that she
figured out a way to get my weight. At least I stood up
so they could measure my height. But the best news of all:
NO SHOTS and no more until I go to school. YAY!!! After
all of that our computer had to go to the doctor because it got
really sick. It was with the computer doctor for a week
and so that's why this update is so late. Just as we got
the computer back we travelled to southern California so that
we could see my Auntie Jen get married. On August 17, Mommy
and Daddy celebrated their 4th wedding anniversary. WOW.
That's a really long time for a little kid like me! There
is still so much left of August but it's passing by very quickly.
Soon we'll be out of August and September will be here.
That's kind of sad because I like the summer time, just like Mommy
does. I get to wear shorts and slippers and run around the
park in the sun. When it's winter time, it's cold and rainy
and I never get to play at the park.
I've done so many things that I can't post them
all here. Take a look at my Liam's
Days page to see the new pictures we've posted that show what
I've been up to and don't forget to visit my party
page very soon.
Until mid-September...