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18 August 2006--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

My new toy box... For my birthday, Grandma Aurora and Grandpa Tom bought me this cool wooden toy box.  I get to put all of my toys around it and on top of it. Rarely do they end up IN it unless Mommy & Daddy clean up after me.  They bought this one because they said it's just the right size for me to play on and sit on.  I really like it!  Daddy got a chance to build it today so now I've got my cool toy box instead of the plastic bin we were using.

15 August 2006--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dinner is served!  I love to help Mommy in the kitchen.  She said that whatever it was that she was cooking was hot so I took her big blue gloves from the counter and offered to help her out.  Instead of letting me help, she took my picture and nicely asked me to put the gloves back in the drawer.  As it turns out, she was done.  At least I offered to help out...

Also I've learned that if I sit down on the bed or couch and put the Boppy pillow around my waist then call Mommy or Daddy and tap on the pillow they'll understand that I want to hold Quinn. They really seem to like that.  Now that we understand each other, I try to do it often.  Sometime I don't realize that he's asleep and I have to wait to hold him.  But here is a picture where it all worked out:

I even got to give Quinn his pacifier when he fussed.  I felt so great to help out!

14 August 2006--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Here is where being a kid counts for something.  I was sitting in my car seat.  We had just spent 5 or 6 hours on the road travelling back home from Southern California to see my Auntie Jen get married.  The sun was setting and it was peeking through the windows in Mommy's car.  I was thirsty and kept asking Mommy for juice.  Well, if you've ever heard or seen me say "juice" you know I tend to spit- a lot.  That's when I realized that I could see my mouth spraying in the sunshine peeking in through the car windows.  When I saw it, I couldn't help but giggle. Then I laughed and KEPT doing it over and over again.  It was so funny to me.  Mommy watched the whole thing and thought that it was so funny how I thought it was so funny.  But I guess that's what being a kid is all about!

8 August 2006---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Am I a silly boy?  Yeah, probably.  Mommy, Quinn and I visited Daddy at work one day. We had lunch with him and then I got to run around the playground at Santana Row for about an hour.  But before we ever got there, Daddy had to do something for a client and so Mommy and I went outside to wait for him.  They have a courtyard with 3 water fountains.  We sat down at one in the shade.  I was acting silly so Mommy took some pictures of me.

2 August 2006-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It's my birthday!  YAY!  I'm officially 2 years old now.  Mommy, Daddy, Quinn & I celebrated on my actual birthday with a cake and a candle.  It was a yummy chocolate cake and we had some ice cream.  Here are the pictures.  You'll need Flash to see it.  This is a new thing that Mommy found on a friend's MySpace page and decided to try it out here.  Enjoy!  Mouse over the pictures to see our captions.

Okay, here's one... a side by side comparison.  What do you think: do I look like Daddy?


29 July 2006-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For Mommy's birthday, Daddy bought her a video game called Karaoke Revolution.  This game lets you sing into a microphone, which I love, and tests you to see how close you get to the way they said it should be sung.  I got to play with it when Mommy first opened it.  It was so fun to hear my voice come out of the TV!  I like that the microphone fits right into my hand.  I even got to dance while singing.  In the picture below, Mommy and I were singing a duet.

For Mommy's birthday, Grandma Aurora and Grandpa Tom took us out to a little dinner.  It was yummy.  They put a fire in the middle of the table and Mommy cooked our food right there.  Grandma said it was called "Korean BBQ".  After dinner was over, Grandma made sure we took lots of pictures.  Here they are:

22 July 2006-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Uncle Nelson & Auntie Tess got remarried.  Actually, they celebrated their wedding anniversary.  On that day, it was REALLY hot and it had been for a few days and it ended up being hotter for even more days.  So, guess what, Mommy decided to cut her hair!  It was the first time in YEARS that she had gotten it cut.  Not since 2003... that's a LONG time to grow such LONG hair...  She ended up cutting off about 2 feet of hair.  She donated it to Locks for Love.  Doesn't she look pretty with short hair?  It's kind of weird, though. I've always known her with her long hair...

18 July 2006-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Another nap time.  I think this time I just fell asleep. It was HOT so Mommy had me sleep in the air conditioned family room instead of the hot bedroom.  Can you see that my hair is pasted to my head because it's so hot?

12 July 2006-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Look!  I still fit into the car seat, see!

3 July 2006-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I've been to every mall in the area except for one this week.  Since Daddy has been home we go out so that Mommy can walk while being in an air conditioned place.  It's been kind of hot and it's too hot to walk around with Quinn and me unless we do it indoors.  At the mall there are play areas that I love to visit.  One of them has a Mickey race car and the other has a Bob the Builder bulldozer.  They take money to run but I really just like running between the machines, sitting in them and turning their wheels.  Sometimes when I'm a good boy, Daddy puts quarters in the machine to make it move and play music.

July 2006--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The long holiday weekend has arrived at last.  But what am I talking about?  I don't work or go to school.  But Daddy does go to work every day.  He has spent the last two weeks at home with us.  I just love it!  You see, for everyday that I woke up in the morning and Mommy has been home on her leave, I ask her where Daddy is.  She tells me that he's at work.  Then I ask her 4 more times.  I guess I just want to know if the answer will change to "he's coming home right now."  Now that he's been home so much I get to play Legos and color and run around and drive him crazy.  Also, we get to go places in the middle of the day instead of having to wait until the afternoon when he normally comes home.  We've been to park during the daytime and he chases me around the whole thing and goes down the slides with me.  I heard, though, that he's going back to work so I'm going to be sad again when he goes back to work.  I love being with Mommy but Daddy is so much fun, too.

On Saturday, July 1st, we went to the park in the afternoon.  I ran between the big kid park and the litte kid park.  This made Mommy kind of tired because she was carrying Quinn and it was hot in the sun and everytime she got to the new park with me, I turned around and went back to the other one we had just left...

But one of the times we played at the little kids park, I decided to go down the little slide all by myself without anyone telling me that it would be fun to do!

I had so much fun that I did it a few more times before going onto another thing.  We didn't spend too much time because after a while it got pretty hot and I wanted water which was in the car.  Then I got sleepy and took a nap.

I'm writing this on July 4th, so Happy Independence Day, everyone.  I haven't seen any fireworks yet so I'll post those pictures another time.  Hopefully we can see them from Grandma Aurora's backyard tonight.  So for now, I hope you all have a great holiday and a good short week.  The weather has been pretty hot so be sure to drink lots of water, like me!  My Ninang Nancy says that's a good thing to do, too!

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