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27 June 2006

Now that my brother is here, I just love help out.  If he cries, I try to give him his pacifier.  He isn't like me and wants it all the time, but that's okay.  I try anyway.  If he's in his little papasan chair, he's right up at my level so I can kneel down and get right up and stare at him.  I do this a lot.  Mommy and Daddy keep telling me to be very careful and not to poke his eyes or push his head because it's soft.  I just get so excited that I want to touch Quinn all the time and I forget.

In other news, I love to hang around.  I get to watch Sesame Street in the morning. Since I'm not much of a couch potato, I tend to walk around the entire room and go from place to place during the whole show.  I usually get to see the Count say the number of the day but most importantly I watch Elmo's world.  This morning I was sort of between places while watching Sesame street... see below.


24 June 2006

Announcing the birth of my baby brother!  Quinn was born on Friday, June 16.  It started off as a very, very early morning.  I woke up when Daddy's alarm clock went off.  Mommy and Daddy were getting things ready to go to the hospital and didn't hear it go off.  Instead of I woke up and they found me.  I went to the hospital with Mommy and Daddy.  Grandma Aurora and Uncle Chris met us there.  We stayed for a short while and then I went to Grandma's house so that I could sleep because I was still tired.  I didn't really like the hospital because they told Mommy to dress in this weird dress and sit on the big bed. It made me wonder what was happening to Mommy and if she was going to be okay. I didn't want to go to her at the bed because it scared me.  I did feel lots better when Grandma and Uncle Chris came to the room because I knew them.  After I finished watching Sesame Street on the TV in the room and when they started giving Mommy some medicine through a needle, they decided that it would better if I went to Grandma's house to rest and then play. 

I got to come back later in the day when Mommy and Daddy showed me a new little person.  They said he was my  brother and that his name was Quinn.  He's so small!  He's smaller than me!  His hair looks like mine but darker.  He cries a lot and doesn't move around very much.  I try to help when I can.  I've learned that if he cries he might want his pacifer.  So I go looking for it and give it to him.  When I try to put it in his mouth sometimes he doesn't suck on it right away like I know how to do. They told me that I have to hold it there until he starts to suck on it.  They said he's still learning because he's so little. 

I love to go up to Quinn and just look at him.  When Mommy and Daddy put him in his baby papasan chair, I go up to him because he's at my height and just stare at him and smile.  He's so small but I like to look at him. I think I'll have more fun with Quinn when he learns to sit up and play a bit more.  For now he just eats, sleeps and cries or stares.  I don't think he can see very much yet because he doesn't look at things, he sorts of looks near them.  It doesn't matter, he's part of this family and I can see that he's here to stay....

13 June 2006

I love fruit.  This time of year, Mommy loves to buy fruit from the store and farmer's markets.  This time she bought cherries.  Did you know that cherries have lots of juice?  Did you know that the juice likes to drip down my chin?  Mommy and Daddy noticed.  It also got under my nails, on my hands, on my clothes and on the table.  I looked like I was finger painting!

11 June 2006

Slides.  They look so fun until you climb to the top of them and look down.  It's a looooooong way down, especially when you get to the top of the big kid's slide.  I finally got brave enough to slide down one and I decided to pick the BIG kids slide.  Go figure!  Here we goooooo...


June 2006

Hi everyone!  First off, I'd just like to share that Mommy is FINALLY on her break!  This means that she gets to spend time with me without working on her computer and WITHOUT having to go away for the whole day.  We get to spend the entire day together watching Sesame Street, playing with Legos and walking to the park and other places and I LIKE THAT!  She said that her break lets her get more sleep and take naps when she's tired.  This makes her feel better and she feels less tired and cranky. 

I just want to say that there is nothing better than having Mommy around to play with instead of just talking to her on the phone.  I really like hanging out with Grandma Aurora and Grandpa Tom all day.  I get to drive Grandma Aurora nuts with the broom and the noise and I get to play conference call on Grandpa's work phone, but I really like being with Mommy because I miss her when she goes away to work.  Actually, the only thing better is when Daddy comes home from work and we can play and hang out all together!  On Monday, Daddy told me that it was a holiday.  From what I saw that meant that he didn't have to go to work and leave for a long time until he got back in the afternoon. We got to go places and just play like on the days that Mommy and Daddy call the 'week-end'.  We went to the park to play.  Wow, did I have so much fun running around!  I got to climb up and down the steps, run all over the playground and play on the swings.  Mommy got a few pictures.

My day in the park on Memorial Day

Second, in honor of Father's Day this month, I asked Mommy to post mostly pictures that I've taken with Daddy.  That's why most of these pictures are of me with Daddy.  Actually, it's not that hard, since Mommy likes to take so many pictures, she's usually the one taking the pictures and Daddy is with me in the pictures... I guess that's just the way it works. 

Watch and you'll see more pictures of Daddy and me around the website.  Oh, and do you like the new colors?  Mommy loves the summertime and decided to redecorate with her favorite summer colors: blues, greens, and white.  She said that you can easily tell what her favorite colors are because they live in something called an opal.  I haven't seen one yet but it must be pretty!

Third, May is a busy month.  It's full of birthdays!  On May 9, it was Daddy's birthday.  We celebrated by eating a really yummy dinner at Tony Roma's.  The waitress liked to come by and talk to me.  Meanwhile, Mommy and Daddy shared their yummy dinner with me!  May 10th was our friend Christina's birthday.  I don't know what she did to celebrate her birthday, but I hope it was nice.  May 15 is Uncle Linh's birthday.  We usually like to have a big birthday celebration on his birthday since it's in the middle of the month, but he lives in Southern California now and it too far away to party with.  May 16 was our friend Linda's birthday.  She just graduated from Franciscan University out in Ohio.  Congratulations!  Our friend Lupita's birthday was on May 25th.  We get to see her and her boyfriend Tim on Sundays.  Since we Mommy and Daddy aren't part of LIFE TEEN Core anymore, we don't get to party with the group as much...

The last Friday in May we went to a place called The Hobbit House.  This is a special house where a very good friend lives.  It was his birthday.  His name is Father Kevin or "FK" for short.  We celebrated his birthday in grand style with lots of food and lots of singing.  FK is very special to our family because he is the priest who married Mommy and Daddy and then baptized me.  I think he's going to baptize all of us, however many brothers and sisters I end up with... :o)  We love FK and love to celebrate with him.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FATHER KEVIN and all of the May birthdays!!

28 May 2006

Ever been so tired that you were just too pooped to care how you laid in bed, just that you were in a bed?  Just before Mommy and Daddy went to bed, Daddy popped his head in and saw me laying across my bed.  Apparently I was more tired than I thought I was.

22 May 2006

Never ever let anyone tell you that I don't take playtime seriously.  Daddy caught me in the middle of a playtime where I literally threw myself into it. 

22 May 2006

You ever needed that 'fresh feeling'?  Well I did.  Mommy was getting ready for a shower and I just had to check to see if the water was ready for her.  Of course, I sort of stuck my whole head and my arms into the water while still in my PJs. How was I supposed to know that I'd get wet doing that?!


13 May 2006

EDAMAME!  Do you know what that is?  It's a small green soybean that's been steamed and lightly salted.  AND I LOVE IT!  The secret is to pop a few of those little edamame out of their pod and give them to me with my lunch or dinner and I'll eat anything.  Coming from a kid who didn't like eating much at all, this is pretty important!  Mommy and Daddy figured out one day that I just love edamame when I wouldn't stop eating the stuff.  I almost finished the whole container.  They figured out that I don't need to eat all of them to get me to eat my food.  Actually, it's better if I don't.  In these pictures it's just coincidence but my t-shirt matches the edamame that I'm eating.

See the trick is to pop the soybeans out of their pod before eating them.  That's what I'm trying to do in the first picture.  Sometimes I'm successful but usually Mommy or Daddy has to help me out.

6 May 2006

I went on a choochoo ride today!  I don't think I've been on one yet but this is the first one I might remember.  Mommy and Daddy wanted to go to Downtown to visit an exhibit and we decided to ride the choochoo so that we wouldn't have to find parking.  The ride was pretty quick and I got to ride on the choochoo.  I always see them and love to point at them when we pass them by but I got to RIDE on the choochoo and that was so cool! 

When I was inside the choochoo, I got to sit next to the window with Mommy and got a good view of the scenery passing by.  I just loved it!

29 April 2006

A Day at the Park.............................
It's finally gotten sunny.  I get to wear short sleeves, shorts and no more socks!  YAY!  I just love it when the weather gets nicer.  In honor of the better weather, Mommy and Daddy took me to the park.  It was a sunny afternoon and they had lots of things to climb on.  There weren't any kids around but I loved it anyway.  I'm still kind of too small to climb on the thing so Daddy had to watch me to make sure I didn't fall off.  I was okay most of the time except the time I almost fell off the stair thing and scared Mommy.

Here are the pics from my day!


13 April 2006

Mommy gives some pretty good piggy back rides even if she is growing and has some trouble carrying me sometimes.  We were playing and decided to do a short piggy back ride.  Then Daddy saw and thought it was so cute.  He took our picture:


12 April 2006

Did you know that we can have Christmas in April?  I didn't either until I received a package from Grandma Carolyn this past week.  Grandma sent my gifts and a few recipes for Mommy that we can't wait to try.  So the big question, what did I get??  Well, I saw the big box on the table and Daddy opened it up.  Right on top were some clothes.  Mommy kept saying that they were really cute.  I got corduroy pants, a really nice sweater and some shirts.  Mommy said that I could look like Uncle Alex with all of the cute GQ clothes.  But let me tell you all of the sudden I saw something.  It was furry.  It was yellow.  It was in a big box.  It was Pooh Bear.  Grandma bought me a talking Pooh Bear.  He tells stories and sings songs.  He says my name!  At dinner time Pooh tells me it's time for dinner and before bedtime he wants to sing a bedtime song.  It's so cool.  He didn't do all of this at first.  Daddy told me that Mommy took Pooh Bear to school.  She sort of operated on him for a while at the computer and then he did all of this stuff.  Whatever they did, it works.  He's so soft and fuzzy.  I love to hug him.  The pictures below show my late Christmas gift opening.  Select the video that most suits your internet speed.  Low bandwidth is fuzzy but good for dialup.  Medium bandwidth is good for DSL, broadband and T1 or T3 lines.

Low Bandwidth

Medium Bandwidth

11 April 2006

I love to help.  Now that I'm a big boy I can help vaccuum, dust and sweep. I do it at Grandma Aurora's house all the time.  Mommy and Daddy got tired of the dust on the floor and decided to vaccuum.  It might have had something to do with them hearing me crunch on something I picked up off the floor under the dining table.  I don't know what it was but I saw it and stuck it in my mouth like pretty much everything else.  So out came the vaccuum.  When Mommy began to vaccuum the kitchen I got tired of watching Daddy put everything on the couch and decided to help Mommy.

Valentine's Day 2006

Okay, Mommy told me that we should leave up the stuff from my Christmas entry so you all can read it.  Sorry we didn't email you until this month's update but we've been very busy and very tired.  So a couple of things: 1) February marks my 18th month!  YAY!  I'll be a year and a half, FINALLY.  2) I'm getting more teeth in so I've been kind of cranky and definitely drooly again. 3) I got grandma Aurora's cold so now my nose is runny.

So what can I do now that I'm 18 months old? 

Daddy took me to Toys R Us the other day and bought me big crayons that I can hold with my little hands.  They make them so if I decide to get creative on the walls and doors you use warm water and a rag and can clean off my "mural".  Actually, I really like to color because Daddy has these giant pieces of paper that I can draw on.  He tells Mommy they're like giant Post-its because they have a sticky strip in the back of each giant piece of paper.  I just like it because I can sit in the middle of the paper and color and draw around me.  See my coloring masterpieces... 

Daddy also bought me more Lego blocks!  I got a Bob the Builder set.  These blocks are just a little bit smaller than the blocks I've been playing with since I was about 10 months old.  These are cool because they build trucks and things that Bob needs.  I really love my new play set.

Cars and trucks with wheels are even more fun now.  I used to like to spin their wheels with my finger to see them go around.  Now I've come to realize that I can put their wheels on the ground or the couch or the pillow and they spin all at the same time. It's so cool!

I am able to run more now but my stopping isn't very good so I tend to fall down more.  I like to climb on things like the couches, the ottoman and the ladder that Mommy uses to get to the stuff in the kitchen that she can't reach.  I also like to 'help' around the house.  When Daddy is folding clothes I help him by pulling the clothes out of the basket and handing them to Daddy to fold.  But then I want to help more and then end up pulling the folded clothes off the piles and they end up unfolded again.  Daddy doesn't like that very much. 

I've recently discovered that I'm now tall enough to reach over the ottoman Daddy uses to block out the satellite receiver and the DVD player from my reach.  Now I can push the Tivo button and the power buttons which really annoys Daddy.  Mommy and Daddy keep discussing new ways of keeping me from getting to the buttons but it might take a new entertainment unit to do that.

Mommy and Daddy don't wear shoes in the house.  They say it's out of respect for our family and to keep the floors clean.  Until recently we we get home they have been taking my shoes off when we get in the door. BUT one day Mommy and Daddy decided it was my turn to figure out how to get out of my shoes.  Since they know I already know how to pull the velcro off (I pull my shoes off in the car all the time), they knew I could get out of the shoes myself.  So last week when we got in the door, Mommy and Daddy took off their shoes in their big, grown-up way and put away their jackets.  Daddy then said to me "Liam, take off your shoes." So I plopped down and got to work on pulling the velcro straps off.  It's hard work when your Mommy and Daddy tell you to do it.  When you decide to do it yourself, it's more fun... but I did it... I pulled off both of my shoes and I even pulled off my socks AND put my shoes and socks right next to Mommy and Daddy's shoes by the door.  They were so impressed! I got hugs and kisses and clapping!  Now I get to take my shoes off everytime we come home (if I'm awake).  I don't always get it right but they help me when I'm too tired to do it myself. 

So I think that's all for this month's update.  It's been a really fun year and a half so far.  In a few months I'll have someone to bug regularly and that will be fun, too.  I think I'll be nice to him or her (sometimes) because I'll want them to be nice to me.  I'll see the doctor the first week of February so I'll be able to tell you how much I weigh and how tall I am.  Take care all and have a happy Valentine's Day!


1 February 2006

February is here!  I got to fill out some cards for Grandma Carolyn and Auntie Jen.  Auntie Jen's birthday is the very last day of January and Grandma's is two days later on Groundhog's Day.  Sorry the cards are going to be late.  Daddy didn't get to mail them until January 31!

21 January 2006

Continuing our busy January, my Uncle Chris' birthday party was on the weekend of January 21.  Boy did he have a party!  So many people and so much food.  I needed to rest before the party started so I took a nap first.  When I woke up there were a ton of people who wanted to talk to me.  I got to play video games, eat some food and dance.  It was an interesting party.  He partied with his friends from noon until about 10 that night.  I think Grandma and Grandpa were really tired after that long day.

16 January 2006

<from Mommy> Continuing with the new format, Liam's days will be expanded to house the random pictures page.  I will maintain the old random pics page as an archive so nothing is lost.  But look here for future random pictures of Liam's days accompanied by any of his commentary.  This will make updating the family website easier on me. Click here for the archive of Liam's Random Pictures page.

It was a cold and rainy weekend.  I was getting cranky so Mommy bundled me up and got me all cozy.  I fell asleep after a few minutes.  Mommy said that she just had to get this picture of me in my usual sleeping pose.

14 January 2006

The weekend following Johnny and Mariana's wedding was another big day.  Our family friends had their beautiful little girl baptized. Doesn't she look pretty in her outfit?

7 January 2006

Congratulations to our friends Johnny & Mariana!  They got married in a beautiful ceremony on the first weekend of January.  It was a LifeTeen wedding with FOJ playing their music, SMG as their church location and so many current and former LifeTeen core in attendance.  Here they are posing with us. 

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