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No theming for these pictures.
Just random shots of Liam's many expressions and experiences.

Pictures of Liam's first year are archived here <click>.

I scream,  you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!

Well, those of you who've known Daddy for a LONG time, like since he was MY age, know that Daddy loved having ice cream every night at 8pm.  Grandpa Jack always asks if Daddy still does that. The truth is that he does still have his ice cream dessert but not always at 8.  It depends on where we are and what time we get home.  BUT the big news is that now I get to have some!!!  YAY!  This picture shows Daddy giving me some ice cream while we were watching "Jeopardy!".

Did you say "hockey"???!!?!

Preseason hockey started up and I'm ready to rumble!  In this pics you'll see me wearing my "Born to be a Sharks Fan" hat that I got when I was born from my soon-to-be Uncle Scott.  He also got me little Sharks socks but they're too small for me feet now.  But I've finally grown into my hockey hat and enjoyed wearing it.  It was more fun to yank it off my head and then try to put it on Daddy's head.  He said it was too small but I just kept trying anyway!


My new favorite thing to do...

I don't really know why and neither does Mommy or Daddy but I've recently decided I like to try standing on my head.  It's fun, I guess.  I like to see what's behind me and the only way I can do that is to look through my legs at what's behind me.  This time in the picture it's Daddy playing a video game.  Sometimes when Mommy or Daddy sees me doing this they come up behind me and play peek-a-boo while I'm staring through my legs.  I always laugh when they do that because I'm just not expecting anyone to do that!


Getting wired...(or Liam unplugged)

You see my website all the time, especially when I send out notices that it's been updated.  But THIS is how it gets done!  I love the keyboard. It has so many BUTTONS!!  I just LOVE buttons.  Ever since Mommy taught me how to push buttons on the music box I just love pushing anything with a button: the power button to the computer and the TV and Mommy's work laptop, the buttons on the remotes, the buttons on the phone, the button on the fans, the buttons on Mommy's car remote... I love buttons!  So Mommy asked if she could have Grandma's extra keyboard so that I would stop pressing the buttons on everything else.  It works sometimes but then I realize that she's got lots of buttons, too and I want to play with those.

So the next time you see something from me, keep these pictures in mind.  :-D

What happens when Liam gets a spoon...

8/28 & 29/05
Mommy has had the idea that I need to learn how to feed myself more.  So she's given me a spoon for the last couple of dinners and breakfasts.  So what do I do with this thing?  You see, I usually just use my hands to put the food in my mouth. I usually just chew on the spoon.  So I'm supposed to do what with the spoon???

Well, Mommy and Daddy tried showing me how to use the spoon.  I actually got it a couple of times.  Most of the time, though, it was just easier to use my hands to squish the yogurt and cereal that Mommy made for me.  Then try my best to get the mushy cereal into my mouth.  Not as easy as you'd think considering the cereal stuck to my wrists and my hair and ended up on my face more than in my mouth...

One of the pictures you see above is from dinner.  Mommy gave me rice with dinner and that's what's stuck to the inside of the bowl.  Since I was done eating, I thought I'd turn the bowl over and see what the world looked like through the bowl... if you look closely, you can see my brown eyes and mouth behind the red bowl!!  Mommy thought it looked so funny that she took a picture...

Does a square peg fit into a circle?

So Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Jack got me this thing.  It came with blocks and a circle and a triangle (at least that's what Daddy called them).  They keep telling me to put these things inside the box.  I know I can put them inside of the top.  It's nice and big.  For some reason, Mommy keeps pointing to the small holes on the sides.  Those are harder to get into.  Why should I do that when the top is so easy?  But you know what?  By accident, I put what Mommy called the star-shaped one into the star-shaped side.  She cheered and clapped for me.  I didn't know why she was so happy.  It was an accident...I think.

Only YOU can prevent forest fires...

Wooooooooooo! Wooooooooooooooooo!  Looks like Firefighter Liam is on the case.  Thanks to Ninang Nancy and Uncle Steve, Liam has a great new toy he can use to scoot around the living room. Of course that would suggest that he is able to get on top of the toy and scoot. Maybe soon, little Liam.  For now he'll just scoot on his knees behind the firetruck...