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A walk in the park

Mommy just loves this picture.  Daddy took the picture while we were walking at Vasona park a few weeks before my birthday party.  The sun was setting and she asked Daddy to take the picture. 

Liam in a box

I've recently discovered that I fit really well inside of my toy box.  Mommy and Daddy turn it over so I can play with all of toys...When I'm done playing with the toys, I hop inside and play with the box...Besides, everyone knows that the most fun part is with the box, not the toy inside of it!


Hide and Seek II

I had found something under the ottoman...Daddy wanted to know what I found.  Instead we ended up playing a game of under-the-ottoman-hide-and-seek.  In this particular picture I was sneaking up on Daddy...PEEK-A-BOO!

Flippy gallery III

This picture is of particular note because Mommy thought it looked like a handle on the side of my head.  It just kind of happened on Friday morning when we got up... Don't ask my hairstylist... It just can't be explained~



more pics...

May 15th was a big birthday bash in the park. There were lots of people and food and pictures. The day started cloudy but then in the afternoon it got HOT. Some people like Uncle Linh got burnt because they didn't put sunblock on. Mommy thought ahead and put sunblock on me. It's the kind that starts of blue and then disappears. This way Mommy knows where she's already put it.

We had BBQ, Daddy joined a big group of people who were playing football. That was funny because they played it with their hands... Then some people walked around and played with some ducks and geese that were just at the water near the place we were at.

I was so exhausted by the end of the day that as soon as I got to the car I fell asleep. Then we had to get ready for church! It was soooo busy.


Peek-a-boo! I see you!

Okay, okay... has your curiosity ever been so big that you just HAD to look? The other day I just had to see what was going on outside of my crib. There wasn't any noise or anything , but I was just so curious that I HAD to look. Mommy and Daddy said that they could see me in my monitor in the family room. When they saw me peeking under the bumper after my afternoon nap, they slowly and quietly came in and caught me peeking! I thought I got them! They got me!! heheheeee. PEEKABOO!

Beautiful eyes

This is what Grandma Aurora calls "Beautiful Eyes". I must have seen it somewhere...for no apparent reason I'll just open my mouth and smile and do this. Auntie Nancy loves it, too! hehe. I guess I just feel happy when I do this

Another drummer boy in the family?

My uncle Chris likes to play the drums. He plays drums for our church choir every Sunday except for during Lent. Now that Mommy and Daddy have found a Liam-sized drum, I can play just like my Uncle! Well sort of. My drum counts, and does the alphabet. I like the way it makes all kinds of noises when I hit it.

Mommy and Daddy can add more instruments to what Mommy calls "my repertoire". Then I can be a one-baby-band!


My 2 front teeth...

My teeth have finally started coming in. You can't really see very well in these pictures but they're there. Click on the pictures and you can get a giant version of the pictures where you can see my teeth better (warning, full sized pics can take a while to load)... My left tooth came in on Wed, 3/30/05 and my second joined it on Fri, 4/1/05. Now Daddy is calling me "Chomper" because I'm still biting down on things but I can leave a mark! hehe. He says next season I'll know what a Chomp is because (we hope) we'll be going to Sharks games... we'll see!

Already getting into trouble?

(from Mommy's POV) Liam, what are you doing? This little boy is soooo determined to get what he wants. His Daddy said even before he was born that this baby will do what he sets his mind to. Liam was born 2 weeks before his expected due date and now he's reaching for that colorful toy that looks good in the box but would look better in his hands!

(from Liam's POV) but MOMMY! I wanted to play with it and it was all the way in the toy box. I HAD to get that Pooh bear out. I could just see it in the box and knew I could just reach it. As you can see, I got just what I wanted. AND I didn't even make a mess!! :oD

Future model?

Part of the photo shoot that Mommy and Daddy did on Easter Sunday. The blue outfit came from Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Jack. The bunny was a gift from Auntie Ruth. I had lots of fun doing this one because it was sunny outside and the breeze tickled my face. Good think Mommy and Daddy did this in the morning because it started pouring just before our mass started at 5:30p.

How much is that doggy in the window?

Saturday marked my official move into a brand new high chair. Mommy and Daddy had been promising me a high chair for a while and they finally got it! I love it. It reclines, moves up and down so I'm not sitting too low or too high. The tray moves in and out and they can even take the tray off and there's this other mini-tray. I like that part because I like putting my feet up on it. Mommy and Daddy keep telling me to take my feet down, though.

Moving up in the world

Saturday marked my official move into a brand new high chair. Mommy and Daddy had been promising me a high chair for a while and they finally got it! I love it. It reclines, moves up and down so I'm not sitting too low or too high. The tray moves in and out and they can even take the tray off and there's this other mini-tray. I like that part because I like putting my feet up on it. Mommy and Daddy keep telling me to take my feet down, though.

Touch my toes...

OKay, I'm not really trying to exercise here either. But it's a matter of balance. Sort my new-age-baby-style yoga-stretch-stomach crunch kind of thing.

In reality I'd lost my balance again... the boppy keeps me sort of suspended in midair. Kind of cool, huh? :oD

Stretch, and 1 and 2 and 3...

Stretch, one, two. Touch my toes, three, four...

I'm really just playing with my rings and kind of tipped over here. I don't think I was trying to do yoga but it certainly looks like I'm trying something out. I guess it's a good thing that I'm really quite flexible!

Peek-a-book, do you see what I see?

Do you see what I see? A child, a child. I got a glimpse of a baby in my toy. It's a lot of fun to look into my mirror and then see the baby that lives in there... Mommy said she likes this picture so she had it printed and it sits on her office desk.

The fashion gallery

Daddy calls me "Baby GQ" sometimes. When they dress me like this they say it reminds them of Uncle Alex, the real GQ guy... Mommy even draws inspiration from fashion that Uncle Alex models with the long sleeved undershirt and then the button down over shirt. Maybe someday I can dress myself and spike my hair...

The flippy gallery II...

Another installment of what Mommy likes to call the "Flippy Gallery". I have lots and lots of pictures where my wild man hair is wild. This was a morning picture after a bath night. I think I was trying to show off my gums in this shot. Nope, no teeth yet. Not even complaining about them. I think that since Mommy has been taking my pictures for so long that now when I hear the camera turn on or see the shiny camera that I stop and stare and smile. Now Mommy and Daddy show me the camera after they take a picture. I like that part...

Legos anyone?

I've gotten really into my toys. Recently Mommy and Daddy thought I would be nice to get me giant Legos. They're colorful, easy to put in my mouth and easy to handle. Mommy and Daddy are hoping that someday I'll realize that these things fit together and don't just make good teethers..

I love my Daddy

There are just days when a boy needs to give his Daddy a hug. This was one of them. Isn't it sweet? I know that Daddy really loves it when I give him a hug... Mommy did, too. That's why she took the picture.

Star Wars' smallest JE.DI. ...

Mommy and Daddy bought me a sippy cup. I'm not really sure of how use it. I just keep chewing on the spout instead of drinking from it. It's going to take some getting used to. Mommy has just given me some apple juice to taste. I didn't like it that much.

BTW, JE.DI. stands for JEsus DIsciple

My new sippy cup

Mommy and Daddy bought me a sippy cup. I'm not really sure of how use it. I just keep chewing on the spout instead of drinking from it. It's going to take some getting used to. Mommy has just given me some apple juice to taste. I didn't like it that much.

Pass the carrots, please...

Mommy and Daddy have been getting me to eat foods other than milk. So far it's been an interesting journey. I'm not taking to it very well yet. Mommy wanted me to try some carrots and that's what's all over my face in these pictures. At least I ate most of what she gave me. But I didn't really like it at first...

She's just gotten me some apple juice but I'm not diggin' that either... maybe the sweet potatoes they just bought me will taste better? stay tuned and we'll see...

It's Ash Wednesday...

Wednesday, Feb 9th marked my first Ash Wednesday experience. It was a very quiet service, unlike any other thing I've been to. Daddy brought me to the front of the church and the person put some black ashes on my head. Now I matched the rest of the church. Then I proceeded to smear my head into Daddy's shirt~

My new rings--

I got a new toy. Daddy saw the rings and remembered having some as a kid and decided that I had to have some just like them. So they bought me some. I just love playing with them, pulling them apart and eating them.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Chris

January 29th marked the celebration of my Uncle Chris' 17th birthday. His real birthday was on the 24th but since we were out of town that weekend we couldn't party with him. Actually Grandma Aurora had just returned from overseas at that point and was sleeping off what Mommy and Daddy call "jet lag". She still gets sleepy during the day. Hey, I do, too but that's okay. I'm just a baby.

Here I am quite literally looking up to my Uncle Chris...

Where'd my lips go?

I've always had lots of expressions. Mommy and Daddy said that I've made faces since my first ultrasound but I don't believe them. My most recent discovery is that I can hide my lips. I make this face and POP there go my lips. Now I'm also blowing raspberries by accident. It's kind of fun. Makes my face and lips and nose tickle.

Down at the docks, right?

Mommy liked the color combination of my outfit in this picture. Grandpa just said it looks like I work down at the docks. I'm a bit young for that, but I liked the red outfit from my Tita (Ninang) Rio!

Kick back and relax...

Ah, nothing like the feeling of a spacious and soft Corinthian leather recliner. (just kidding) Especially if this recliner is Grandpa's! Hehe. Thought I'd keep the seat warm for him. I was sitting just before taking the picture but just happened to topple over just as Mommy snapped the picture.

Too cute for words

So for Christmas Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Jack gave me this soft puppy dog playsuit. It was so cuddly and warm that Mommy put it on me when we went to bible study on Tuesday night. Yes, the ears really do stick out like that without any encouragement. When Mommy and Daddy saw this thing on me they just couldn't stop laughing. At first I looked like a little blue bunny. Then I looked like a flying blue puppy

Miss Angela Arana...

January 2 marked our friend Hope's birthday. We visited her on her birthday and brought her a present. While there I finally got to meet Ms Angela Arana, the famed angel who used to sing with Mommy at church. She's gone on to record her own CD and sings at various events. I used to hear her singing when I was still in Mommy's tummy. It was like listening to an angel.

The flippy gallery...

My hair, as many of you know, is quite curly, especially after a bath. However, after the bath my hair dries and gets kind of wild. This is what Mommy and Daddy call my 'flippy hair'. Just as an example take a look...note the extreme flippy to the right. You'll also notice a flippy in the middle of my forehead in my blue puppy picture.

Ready for the beach?

My first Christmas lasted a whole week: first at Grandma and Grandpa Higa's then Grandma and Grandpa Convey's then with Mommy and Daddy and then back at Grandma and Grandpa Higa's to open up presents from my Great-grandmother Shizuko, Grandpa's Mommy. They sent me some summer clothes for next summer. This hat matches with a set of beach shorts and a beach shirt! I'm already for summer... Too bad it's still winter!

Pokey Face

I love getting kisses but sometimes I get a pokey face kiss. This is when Daddy kisses my cheek and his whiskers poke my face. That's when I give this look... But I still love getting kisses!

My Two Hands

I've been using my hands more and more lately as my fingers get better at gripping things. Lately I've begun helping Mommy and Daddy hold my bottle when I drink. I like being helpful.

Oh, Pooh, I love you...

I've been getting better and better at holding my head up high. I really don't enjoy being on my tummy but everyone keeps telling me that it's important. Then they keep putting me on my tummy. I'll stay for a little while but then I get frustrated and bored staring down. This time Daddy got smart and put Pooh in front of me. I forgot all about being on my tummy for a long time.

Reindeer Butt

So you may be wondering what's up with this reindeer on my bottom... Grandma Carolyn bought this little outfit for me so I could get all dressed up for the holidays. There just happened to be a reindeer on the bottom. Everytime someone sees this thing they just think it's the cutest thing they've ever seen. Of course, Mommy thought so, too. That's why there's a picture of a reindeer on my butt on this website! hehe

Sitting Up...?

Could this be me sitting up all by myself? What?? I'm only a little over 3 1/2 months old... hmm. HEHE...fooled you! Mommy and Daddy propped me up on a pillow so that I'd look like I'm sitting up all by myself. I'm getting there. Still tipping in different directions but it's still something I'm working on!

Giggling with Daddy


Just after we moved in, I got a chance to sit down with Daddy. Daddy was counting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. At the end of all that, I just had to giggle. Yup. Giggle. Heehee!

Have you seen a Tigggggrrrr?


This was my Halloween costume. It's hard to find a costume for someone who's just 3 months old. Luckily Mommy and Daddy found a tiny costume for me and it happened to be TIGGER!

Like my nose and whiskers? T-I-double Grrr-R!

A visit to the pumpkin patch

Mommy liked this picture so much we put it on the website twice. It's a great colorful picture. I'm not quite smiling but at least I'm not tipping over!

Read about my adventures at the pumpkin patch here.


Oh, look. I've found my feet!

On a recent trip to visit Grandma Aurora for the day, while Grandpa Tom was at work, I found my feet. Grandma was holding me on her lap and I looked down. Lo and behold there were my feet! They were attached to me and everything! I'd never noticed that before so I stared at them for a while. They didn't go anywhere.


Liam's in the hood...

Okay, this caption was Daddy's idea. They took this picture after we got back from somewhere. I'd snuck into my hood during the car ride and he said it looked like I was posing with some kind of fedora or something. Anyway, all I know is that I was nice and cozy.

It's getting colder and rainy...

It's been getting colder and has been rainy for the past few days. Daddy and I had to take Mommy to work early in the morning we got all bundled up. You can't see in the picture but the brown outfit I'm wearing is more like a sleeping back with ears on top. On the front of the thing is an embroidered Winnie-the-Pooh. I was nice and toasty despite the pouring rain outside of the car. It was crazy. Lots of traffic and Californians who can't drive, especially in the rain. Mommy and Daddy say that but they know they're also Californians who drive in the rain.

Doe a deer...

Mommy and I like to sing. We sing Doe a deer, a female deer and I just have to laugh and smile really big for Mommy. Here, Grandma Aurora is holding me while Mommy sings with me. Uncle Chris had the camera ready so he caught one of my big gummy smiles for the camera.

It's a good time for a nap...

I'm not really sure why Mommy insisted on taking this picture. It was kind of bright in the apartment when she took it so perhaps she was inspired. Whatever. I was napping away.


Bathtime revisited...

08/17/04 and 10/07/04.
Remember this first picture? That was my first real bath after Mommy and Daddy brought me home from the hospital. I was not a happy camper. Brought back too many memories of the nurse scrubbing my head at 4am. After that wonderful memory, Mommy decided that it was high time to showcase my calmer bathtimes. I'm still getting used to be naked. Not much of a fan of that, especially now that the weather is turning colder. BUT now I can sort of enjoy the warmer water. I especially like it when Mommy uses the pistol grip sprayer to wash me off. It reminds Daddy of when women go to a salon and get their hair washed. Mommy seems to think washing off my back with the thing feels like a massage. All I know is that bathtime can't last too long or else I get waaaay too cold!


Nothing special with this one. Just smiling during another singing round with Mommy. Daddy liked this picture so I wanted everyone else to be able to see it.



Oh so stylish...

This has got to be one of my new favorite pictures. Thanks to a recent shopping trip at Target, Liam has been equipped with some stylish new shades. He always squints when he goes outside. He's been sensitive to the sun since he was born. So, Mommy thought it would be a good idea to get him some shades to keep his delicate eyes protected. I loved these because they're kind of like my Oakleys. One of these days I'm going to get a picture of Daddy, Mommy and Liam with our shades on...

Cold snap...

According to Mommy, for Californians, 'cold' can be anything under 75 degrees Farenheit. This is especially true when one week toasts my diapers at temperatures into the 90s and then drop suddenly to the low 70s during the day and the 50s at night. One evening when Mommy and I were leaving Grandma and Grandpa Higa's house, Mommy could see her breath. It was that cold. To make sure I didn't get any colder than I had to, Mommy dressed me up in this great blue sweater thing. It's soft and I like wearing it....

...and it goes well with the autumn themed Winnie the Pooh overalls outfit Grandma Carolyn bought for me. Daddy put it on me the day I got my 4 shots at once. (That REALLY hurt.) The shots made me cry and Mommy cried, too. This picture was taken in the morning before Mommy and Daddy took me to see the doctor. I was happy until the shots... :-(


Liam's Smile.

We love to dance. We love music. We love to sing. All of these things combined to a wonderful surprise the other afternoon. After a nap while dancing, Liam looked up at me, crinkled up his little eyes in tiny half moon shapesand gave me a big gummy smile. He smiled! I'm not talking about the kind of 'reflex smile' that accidentally happens. This was intentional. Over the last few days Liam has given us big gummy smiles when he's happy. He loves "Doe a deer...". He'll spring a big smile us his Daddy when he's happy. There's nothing that melts a heart like a sweet little baby smile. You can find out more and see more pictures by clicking above or below to read up on "Liam's Days".



Okay, I know it looks weird, but I've found my thumb. At least I sort of did. Mommy doesn't want me to suck my thumb so I only do it for a little while. When I do, it looks like some creature has stuck itself to my face...


Did you do that? Cause I know 'I' didn't do that... I know! Let's blame it on Mommy!


I like sticking my tongue out... Mommy just loves this picture!


After another bath... I get my curly hair from my Daddy... I get my hair color from my Mommy...


Daddy and Me after bath.
