First Smile
16 September 2004
First Rollover
3 March 2005
First Solid Food
2 February 2005
First Tooth
29 March 2005
Second Tooth
1 April 2005
3rd & 4th Teeth (two
on top)
29 April 2005
Learn to roll from back to tummy
5 April 2005
Learn to sit up from tummy position
29 March 2005
Learn to crawl
23 May 2005
Learn to stand
27 May 2005
OKAY, Liam doesn't watch TV but he heard
Alex Trebek say something and Liam just happened
to repeat it...4 times. And then he
repeated it after Mommy said it, too...
Repeats something from the TV
2 July 2005
Happy 1st Birthday!
at just the time Liam officially turned 1:
August 2, 2005
First Steps
We were at the Target near our place just
walking around. In the toy section they
had little kid seats for sale, the fuzzy kind
with characters. We put Liam in one
and he really liked it. Since it was
kid sized, he could scoot to the edge of it
and get up on his feet. He did so, without
holding onto anyone or anything. Then
opened up his arms and took two tentative
steps towards his Daddy's open arms after
which Liam fells to his knees in a round of
applause from Mommy and Daddy.
Thursday, Sept
2, 2005