On January 21, 2005 I went on my second plane trip ever. We were going back to visit Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Jack in the sticks. This time there was another special visitor, or rather 4 special visitors. Daddy's sister and her family flew from a far away place they called Boston. They've been living there for a few years. They told me stories about how they woke up in the morning and it was just 3 degrees with lots of snow. I can't even imagine that!
Saturday was the big family get together. I got to see many familiar faces and it was kind of overwhelming again. Thankfully they knew to let me kind of get used to them again. After a while Grandma Carolyn brought Uncle Mark and Auntie Cheri to show off Auntie Linda's new house. While she was gone we quickly decorated the house to suprise Grandma Carolyn. She all knew we were there but she didn't know we had a suprise party waiting for her. We had gifts and everything! It was lots of fun.