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30 December 2004

Flying? Apparently this was a monumental moment for me as it was my first flight in my short life. Nothing too bad. I didn't even cry. Mommy was smart and had me sucking on my pacifier while we took off and up into the sky. My ears didn't hurt or anything. I only complained when I got hungry just about 1/2 an hour after we took off. Thankfully Mommy likes to sit near the window and I got to eat without too many people bothering me. There were lots of people on the plane but Mommy and Daddy said the flight wasn't full.

About an hour after Mommy and Daddy clapped for my first flight we landed in a place called 'Ontario, CA'. Apparently this it the closest airport to Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Jack's house. They say they live in the 'sticks'. Why would anyone want to live in sticks? It took about an hour to drive to their house in a far away place called Sun City. It was already dark when we got there. I was really tired and took a nap in the car. Mommy was tired, too, so she decided to nap as well. We finally got to Grandma and Grandpa's 'stick' and we piled out of the car. Grandma Carolyn was waiting for us with her sister, Auntie Linda. They were so happy to see us.

After we unloaded me and the bags, we sat down for some dinner. Grandma Carolyn wanted to hold me and so Mommy handed me over to her. I just started crying. It was a long day and I just couldn't take anymore. I went with Mommy to eat and then went down for a nap. We had just about finished day 1 of our trip.

The next day I got to meet Uncle Tony, Auntie Linda's husband. Grandma Carolyn lives 2 doors down from Auntie Linda so they can come over pretty much anytime. Then Auntie Jen arrived. She lives in Anaheim, near where Daddy grew up in a tiny town called Placentia. She woke up really early in the morning and drove out to the 'sticks' to spend Christmas with us. Auntie Jen and Uncle Tony and Auntie Linda and the rest of the family all crowded around me and stared for a while as I tried to figure out what they were staring at.


Then we posed for Daddy who wanted to take more pictures of me with the family...

Clockwise from the top: Grandpa Jack, Uncle Tony, Grandma Carolyn, Auntie Jen, Auntie Linda, Me and Mommy.

Then they posed me under the tree. Auntie Linda said that I was one of the presents...


The next day we walked around Grandma's neighborhood. As it turns out, their neighborhood is full of people just like them: retired and full of energy. They enjoy lots of entertaining and entertainment. Grandma and Grandpa love to play cards and hang out with other retired friends. When we walked around, we visited Auntie Linda's house just two doors down. Here I am posing between them on Auntie Linda's couch while Mommy takes a picture.


Hard to believe it was already Christmas eve! The excitment was building. We ate and ate at dinner and enjoyed Auntie Linda's chocolate oatmeal cookies and fudge. Auntie Linda said the recipe for the cookies belonged to my great-grandma - Grandma Carolyn's mommy. That night we all went to bed. Daddy told me that I had to go to bed early and stay asleep because a big man in a red suit would come by Grandma's house to bring me presents. He called him 'Santa'. I think that's supposed to be a good thing. I hoped he wouldn't take the fudge that everyone liked.

The next morning, December 25th, we all woke up early. Well, Mommy woke up to feed me and Daddy woke up to change my diaper. Then Auntie Linda and Uncle Tony came over with a pot of coffee and joined Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Jack with Auntie Jen around the tree. We proceeeded to pass around the boxes I had posed with under the tree.

Everyone had smiles and were excited to open up the boxes with pretty paper. I seemed to have lots of gifts around me.

Mommy put the Boppy around me so I could sort of sit up and open up presents. I'm still kind of wobbly so it was only kind of working. Mommy ended up holding me up so I wouldn't tip over.

We took turns opening presents. l got lots of clothes. Mommy and Daddy liked that! I didn't get any toys from them because they all figured we wouldn't have any room in our suitcases. That's okay. I got some toys in my toybox. Daddy got some videos and Mommy got some cookbooks and CDs. Mommy and Daddy took lots of pictures throughout the morning:

We finished opening up presents a few hours later. Everyone began the rest of their day. Grandma and Grandpa were beginning their preparations for later that day. Mommy, Daddy and I attended mass at a local church. They had a legally blind priest leading the mass service with his recently acquired guide dog who was trained in San Rafael. That was so interesting! Christmas was only beginning. The afternoon would bring more people and more presents.

When 3pm rolled around, the rest of the family arrived for Christmas dinner and the family gift exchange. I met lots of people and it was kind of overwhelming. Nearly the entire family came over the Grandma and Grandpas to enjoy a prime rib dinner with lots of sides. It was so yummy and our Chef Grandpa was really complimented on his cooking. After we enjoyed lots of food and wine we settled in for the family gift exchange. The family is too big to give everyone a present so each person draws names for a Secret Santa gift exchange. When we each get our present, the person has to guess who gave it to them. It was hard for Mommy and Daddy because we live so far from everyone it's hard to guess. I got presents from so many people. Mommy and Daddy said it's cause I'm the new kid on the block.

All I know is that I just love the sound of crinkling paper. As soon as I get some I like putting it in my mouth. Mommy doesn't like me doing that. I guess she's afraid I'll get a green tongue if I put the paper in my mouth.

Or a red tongue...

I had lots of fun tearing open more presents from all of the family. Then as everyone began leaving Mommy remembered to take my picture with Aunties and Uncles. I got to pose with lots of people among them:

Uncle Paul and Auntie Alice

Auntie Robbi and Uncle Kevin (who really are Daddy's cousins)

Daddy's other cousins were also there along with Auntie Linda and Uncle Tony. Everyone was so nice to me. I got to play with Auntie Robbi and Auntie Alice for a while. he entire day was somewhat overwhelming but lots of fun. I was kind of glad it was over. If this is what Christmas is like, I'm so glad it only comes once a year. I couldn't handle this kind of excitment everyday!

The next day was a long day full of exciting things. We walked to Auntie Linda's house and visited. The next day was Monday and Mommy and Daddy wanted to get out of the house. We went to Downtown Disney. We would have gone to Disneyland but Daddy said that I was too young to really appreciate it. Maybe next year or something. But I do remember hearing that Mommy would like to take me to a place called Walt Disney World. I have to be much older because they want to go on a big boat they call a cruiseship. Downtown Disney was big and colorful but cold. The weather man said that a winter storm was beginning to settle into what he called the 'L.A. area'. It wasn't raining when we went but it was really windy. We visited a huge store with lots of people. Mommy said there were so many Disney things to see. I even got to take some pictures in the store:

In the end there was lots to see but I fell asleep from all the excitement. We left for Grandma and Grandpa's house back in the sticks. The next day was travel day. I had lots of fun on my vacation to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

It was a good trip.I met lots of family and relaxed with Mommy and Daddy. I wish I could relax with them all of the time but they have to go to work.

Unfortunately that winter storm the man on TV mentioned had landed like the airplanes. Our flight kept getting delayed. Finally after a 2 hour delay the plane arrived and we had a bumpy ride back home. Mommy was nervous and just prayed. She loves flying but that was a scary ride back home.

I was glad to be home and sleep in my own bed again. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed the trip but like all good things, it came to an end.

That's the story of my first Christmas. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Mele Kalikimaka,



30 December 2004